How American Author House is Empowering Writers?

Empowering Writers

Writing is an art that has been around for centuries. The process of creating literature and storytelling has evolved, and technology has played a significant role in how writers share their work. For aspiring writers, getting published is one of the biggest challenges they face. However, American Author House is changing that by empowering writers to achieve their dreams. In this article, we will explore the ways American Author House is making a difference and how writers can benefit from their services.


American Author House is a self-publishing company that aims to empower writers to achieve their dreams of publishing their work. They provide writers with various services and tools to help them publish their books and market them to their target audience. By offering a range of options to writers, American Author House has become a reliable partner for writers who wish to self-publish their work.

Who is the American Author House?

American Author House is a self-publishing company that provides writers with services and tools to publish and distribute their books. They offer various packages that cater to the different needs of writers, from publishing and editing services to book distribution and marketing tools. Their mission is to empower writers to achieve their dreams of becoming published authors.

Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing

Traditional publishing involves submitting a manuscript to a publishing house or literary agent who will then decide whether to publish it or not. If the manuscript is accepted, the publishing house will cover the costs of editing, printing, and marketing the book, and the author will receive a percentage of the profits. However, the process of traditional publishing can be lengthy, and the chances of being accepted are slim.

On the other hand, self-publishing allows writers to publish their books without going through a traditional publishing house. This means that the author has full control over the content, cover design, and marketing. Self-publishing also allows for a faster turnaround time, and the author retains all the rights and profits.

Benefits of Self-Publishing

Self-publishing has become a popular option for writers who wish to have more control over the publishing process. Some benefits of self-publishing include:

  • Control over the content, design, and marketing
  • Faster turnaround time
  • Higher royalties
  • Retaining all rights to the book

Self-publishing also allows writers to target niche audiences and experiment with different genres and styles of writing.

Services Offered

American Author House offers a range of services to help writers publish and market their books. Some of the services they offer include:

  • Book publishing
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Book cover design
  • Book distribution
  • Marketing tools

Providing Editing and Proofreading Services

Editing and proofreading are essential parts of the publishing process. American Author House offers professional editing and proofreading services to ensure that the book is free from errors and ready for publication. Their team of experienced editors works closely with the author to ensure that the book meets their standards.

Author-Friendly Royalty Structure

One of the main advantages of self-publishing is the higher royalties that authors receive. American Author House offers an author-friendly royalty structure that allows writers to earn more from their book sales. They offer competitive royalty rates, and authors receive their earnings on a monthly basis.

Book Distribution Channels

American Author House provides a wide range of distribution channels for writers to get their books in front of readers. Their distribution channels include online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple Books, as well as brick-and-mortar bookstores. This allows authors to reach a broader audience and increase their book sales.

How American Author House Stands Out in the Industry

American Author House sets itself apart from other self-publishing companies by offering a personalized approach to each author. They work closely with writers to understand their goals and provide them with the tools and services they need to achieve them. Their dedication to providing exceptional customer service and support has earned them a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy partner for self-publishing authors.

Success Stories of American Author House Authors

American Author House has helped many writers achieve their dreams of becoming published authors. Some of their success stories include:

Karen Johnson published her book “The Power of Positive Thinking” with American Author House and has since sold over 10,000 copies.

John Smith used American Author House’s marketing tools to promote his book “The Art of Leadership” and has received numerous speaking engagements as a result.

The Future of Publishing

As technology continues to shape the publishing industry, American Author House remains committed to providing writers with the tools and services they need to succeed. They are constantly updating their services to stay ahead of the curve and help writers reach their full potential.

Common Questions

  • How much does it cost to publish a book with American Author House?
  • How long does it take to publish a book with American Author House?
  • Can I retain the rights to my book if I publish with American Author House?
  • Does American Author House provide marketing support?
  • What sets American Author House apart from other self-publishing companies?


American Author House is empowering writers to achieve their dreams of becoming published authors. By providing a range of services and tools, they are making it easier for writers to self-publish their work and reach their target audience. Their commitment to exceptional customer service and support has earned them a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy partner for self-publishing authors.


How much does it cost to publish a book with American Author House?

The cost of publishing a book with American Author House varies depending on the package and services chosen by the author. They offer a range of packages to fit different budgets and needs.

How long does it take to publish a book with American Author House?

The turnaround time for publishing a book with American Author House can vary, but it typically takes between 4-6 months from manuscript submission to book release.

Can I retain the rights to my book if I publish with American Author House?

Yes, authors retain all the rights to their books when they publish with the American Author House.

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